Knowledge sharing in a public museum

Knowledge sharing in a public museum

In the last months, Dirk and I (the two coordinators of the German Knowledge Management MOOC, WMOOC) had quite difficulties re-editing the recordings of the WMOOC live sessions due to numerous new projects. But now Dirk is thankfully investing holiday time in exactly this task (Thank you so much, Dirk!!) and finally the fascinating session on Knowledge sharing as a part of project knowledge management in one of Polish public museums with Kamila Brodzińska from Jagiellonian University in Kraków is online (duration 53’56 min). As you may have guessed from the language of this post the session was held in English. Enjoy!

BTW, this year’s WMOOC will again start on October 3rd, just as the accompanying qualification to become a Knowledge Management Professional. Further information on latter can be found here. So, register to become part of the WMOOC community!

Knowledge sharing in a public museum

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